Hailing from the north shore of Lake Superior, Gabriel Marchuk is a Christian singer songwriter, folk-pop and CCM artist. With a passion for music, a passion for Christ, and a heart for encouraging and uplifting others, it seems writing praise songs is a natural path for Gabriel to follow. However, the road was a long one.


Gabriel's musical journey began at a relatively young age. Taught classical piano by his mom, experimenting a little on the guitar, and taking violin lessons. However, it wasn't until almost quitting music altogether at age 12 that he found his passion for writing music - in the form of cinematic scores for lego stop-motion animations he made in the basement.


Writing orchestral and cinematic music quickly became his favourite hobby, spending hours crafting rich soundscapes and intricate scores, even writing for a couple of short films.


With his passion for music awakened, Gabriel moved forward with music at a rapid pace, progressing to advanced stages of piano, switching from violin to viola, and joining the local youth orchestra. For several years, his main interest was becoming a professional film scorer…but that all changed in 2021.


Growing up in a Christian home, God has always been a part of Gabriel's life. However, he never really considered using his writing abilities for God's glory. 

 Then, in the spring of 2021, Gabriel hit rock bottom. Spiritually and emotionally wrecked, he felt that his life was in shambles. Instead of turning to God, Gabriel tried to work through it on his own, but it didn't help. By the middle of March, he had lost all hope.

Thankfully, God stepped in. He touched Gabriel's heart, showed him hope and grace. That same day, Gabriel began writing Christian songs. He hasn't looked back since.


Gabriel's artistic style is a culmination of the many different musical influences he's had over his life. Growing up playing Celtic, Irish and French Canadian fiddle music brings a folky sound to his original music, while there are still some cinematic elements to many of his songs.


A self-taught guitarist, Gabriel has taken to the strummed acoustic, singer songwriter style, while at the same time incorporating catchy pop hooks, and even delving into so rap vocals to establish his signature sound.

Gabriel's passion for music, and his passion for God, have extended into a ministry of writing songs to encourage, to uplift…even to save, all pointing back to the same God who started it all for Gabriel.